We would like to remind you how remarkable Yorkville East Middle School is. In its classrooms, each child is made to feel welcome and supported. We have extraordinary teachers, caring administrative staff and a committed and passionate Principal and Assistant Principal.
However, like all public institutions, Yorkville East faces a per-student payment from the state that falls very short of what is needed to operate and educate our children. The Annual Appeal is a vital part of how we can help support our school and our children’s education. Giving is voluntary, yet without your generosity the Yorkville East PTA cannot help fund needed resources.
Your PTA funds offset severe budget cuts and are increasingly necessary to support core and basic educational resources and critical technology - for example, Book Club books in ELA, Math In the City, IXL online math tool, NYS Test ELA and Math prep and Rosetta Stone for language learning. And for families, PTA funds support informative family workshops and JupiterEd to keep you up to date and enhance the school-home connection that is so critical in the middle school years!
However, like all public institutions, Yorkville East faces a per-student payment from the state that falls very short of what is needed to operate and educate our children. The Annual Appeal is a vital part of how we can help support our school and our children’s education. Giving is voluntary, yet without your generosity the Yorkville East PTA cannot help fund needed resources.
Your PTA funds offset severe budget cuts and are increasingly necessary to support core and basic educational resources and critical technology - for example, Book Club books in ELA, Math In the City, IXL online math tool, NYS Test ELA and Math prep and Rosetta Stone for language learning. And for families, PTA funds support informative family workshops and JupiterEd to keep you up to date and enhance the school-home connection that is so critical in the middle school years!
You can make a difference!
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Every year the PTA's goal is to receive 100% participation from each family. Though the suggested donation is $1,000 per student, we encourage you to give any amount. Monthly contributions are welcome too! All donations to the Yorkville East MS 177 Annual Fund are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Does your company offer Matching Gift donations? Not sure - we can help you find out.